New Security Training Tool: KnowBe4

What’s KnowBe4?

The VCCS has purchased a new information security training tool, KnoweBe4, which will be launching soon!  KnowBe4 replaces Global Learning Systems (GLS) which we have been using for mandatory security training for the last 3 years.

Why do I have to complete security training?

Cybercrime is a major problem. Cyber criminals are always coming up with new ways to trick unsuspecting users into clicking on dangerous links or opening malicious attachments in their email. We hear on the news every day about ransomware attacks (Colonial Pipeline), stolen PII data (T-Mobile) and phishing attempts, so every employee needs to be prepared to protect VWCC data.

By completing this training, you’ll be better equipped with the skills you need to defend VWCC against phishing and other social engineering attacks. 

How long will the training take to complete?

Within KnowBe4, the required training for FY2022 is divided into 4 courses and one policy. 

  • 2021 KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training (30 Minutes)
  • Password Security (8 Minutes)
  • FERPA and HIPAA for Faculty and Staff (15 Minutes)
  • Taking Security Home: Working Remotely (10 Minutes)
  • Employee Acceptable Use Policy (2 Minutes)

When do I complete my Security Training?

When it is time for you to complete your courses, you will receive an email from  

Who will be managing KnowBe4?

As with the previous security training platform (GLS), KnowBe4 will be managed and supported by Brenda Bowling, VWCC’s information security officer.