Innovation Grant Lab, part 1: Let’s put on our Thinking Caps

Hello, and welcome to the Innovation Lab!

This is a virtual lab …  a digital makerspace where we ask a lot of questions, experiment, and play.

Our first project is an asynchronous workshop series: How to Design a Successful Innovation Grant.

The first step in the series begins today on the Greent House Grants Blog, and it will end in March 2022, the same month Innovation Grant proposals are due.

Hopefully this approach will help you slowly explore your ideas — on your own time, at your convenience — as you continue to juggle your regular to-do list. 

If you are serious about pursuing an Innovation Grant, I would suggest you start this journey with us in September, but you can always catch up anytime before the March deadline.

And please join us if you’re just curious, or if some of your ideas are half-baked. That’s what this process is for! No commitments necessary.

Check out the series schedule on the grants blog.

— Stephanie Ogilvie Seagle

The series so far:

How to Design a Successful Innovation Grant

Introduction: Welcome, innovators! The Innovation Grant Lab opens Sept. 1

September: Let’s put on our Thinking Caps