Thank you to reference providers for Educational Foundation scholarships

The Educational Foundation staff would like to thank the 72 Virginia Western faculty and staff who provided references to students applying for our fall 2021 scholarship cycle. Thanks to this collegewide effort, we expect to award scholarships to more than 150 students, in amounts ranging from a $500 textbook scholarship to a full-ride, full-time scholarship that includes a matching life-expenses stipend.

Reference providers were asked to evaluate students in areas such as leadership, integrity, initiative, cooperation and work ethic. Many also took time to write insightful comments about these students, sharing awareness of their struggles this past pandemic year. Their comments were especially remarkable given the mostly online learning environment of the prior 2.5 semesters. They demonstrated that Virginia Western is fulfilling a charge from the Hope Center for Community College and Justice to see “students as human first.”

The Educational Foundation would like to single out one person, in particular, who provided the highest number of student recommendations. Kathy Smith, an Associate Professor of Nursing, completed an inspiring 22 student references. For this, the Educational Foundation is naming her our Student Scholarship Hero for the fall 2021 application cycle. Enjoy the $100 Kroger gift card coming your way, Kathy!

It takes nearly the entire Virginia Western village to make our scholarship process happen. We cannot thank you enough for taking the time to advocate for these students and help put extra money in their pockets!