Those interested in applying for possible consideration for Fall 2026 must submit all application material by February 15, 2026. All application material is processed by the Health Professions Advising and Applications Office at VWCC.
How To Apply
We require all application material(s) be submitted directly to the Health Professions Advising and Applications Office. If you fail to do so, be aware we will not be responsible for any delays in processing your file. Complete the following and submit in one envelope to:
Pam Woody, VWCC – Health Professions Advising and Applications Office
3091 Colonial Ave.
Roanoke, VA 24015
A meeting with the advisor is not required. If you have questions, it is suggested that any meeting not be conducted until after all transcripts have been submitted and reviewed by the advisor. You may contact an advisor directly after that time by email, or if needed, in the Health Professions Advising and Applications Office. You should follow the steps below.
1. Apply to VWCC.
If you are not a current VWCC student, apply to the college by completing a VWCC Application. Please make sure you indicate your plan of study as Career Studies Certificate: Introduction to Physical Therapist Assistant (curricular/credit classes) on the college application.
New students intending to enroll in classes at Virginia Western should consider a visit/phone call to speak with the Enrollment Center staff in Chapman Hall, if they have basic questions about direct enrollment, course requirements, financial aid, etc. You do need an appointment at the enrollment center and it’s a great way to learn more about available resources. They will refer you to A New Student Advisor, if needed, or to the pre-admission advisor for Physical Therapist Assistant, when necessary.
Note: If you already attend a Virginia community college, you have either completed the direct enrollment process regarding Math and English or completed the required courses necessary to begin courses. If you attend another college or university, the official transcripts you provide will be evaluated to see if preparatory coursework is necessary. Again, the advisor will request in the advising form letter if you need to take preparatory coursework to prepare for necessary courses for PTA. Applicants who need to begin prerequisite courses at Virginia Western (home college) should make it a priority to complete those courses as soon as possible after applying to the college or seek assistance from Chapman Hall, if a new student.
In addition, if you direct place out of any needed math courses, you will need to plan to complete the math skills check that is included on the checklist for application.
2. Apply to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program.
Apply to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program by completing a 2026 Physical Therapist Assistant Application Form.
3. Obtain and submit your transcripts.
Have all official sealed transcripts (high school and college) and a copy of GED scores (if applicable) to submit in your application packet. We strongly suggest applicants request transcripts be sent to the applicant’s mailing address, so you are fully aware of whether your request is filled and all material can be placed by you in one larger envelope for submission. Remember, do not open any envelope which contains a transcript, they are no longer “official” to us when you open. Official electronic transcripts are acceptable. Transcripts must be postmarked to VWCC by February 15 or received by the Health Professions Advising and Applications Office by Feb. 15.
If any school’s policy prevents issuance of an “official” transcripts directly to you, please request they be sent addressed directly to Pam Woody at the address above. Please do not request transcripts from VWCC or any other community college in Virginia. Transcripts must include Continuing Education courses. HS transcripts are required even if you are a college graduate. GED holders must also submit official high school transcripts if completed at least through the 9th grade. If you were home-schooled, an academic curriculum report showing completion and signed by the school administrator is required.
Transcript Request Form (PDF)
4. Submit your application materials.
We suggest mailing your application packet to Miss Woody at the address above. Material being hand-delivered to campus should be brought to the 3rd floor of the Fralin Center, Room HP339. The Health Professions Advising and Applications Office is usually accessible from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If the office is closed, please slide the materials under the door of Fralin 339. The Physical Therapist Assistant advising form letter “process letter” is scanned to your school email account or to the email provided on the PTA application (only if you have not registered for any course at VWCC) after your complete academic file is reviewed by the Advisor (usually within 2-4 weeks if received from May – December). It is the applicant’s responsibility to request their own transcripts and pay any required fees. Faxed transcripts are not considered “official” for application. You can review the Physical Therapist Assistant Overview (PDF) to learn more about the application process and eligibility. (Usually updated in June.) In addition, we will be using the email attached to your Navigate account to communicate with you during the application process. Please be aware of the email associated with Navigate and turn on your notifications in Navigate so that you will be receiving information regarding the admission process, on your behalf, from the Health Professions Advising and Applications Office.
Note: Applicants should remember to update the Health Professions Advising and Applications Office ( with any changes to their email address throughout the process. We use the Physical Therapist Assistant application form email address (if not registered for any courses at VWCC) and the email associated with Navigate. We do not receive notification about address or email changes from the college SIS student account information. All future contact from the advising office regarding the application and TEAS, will be sent (via email) to the email associated with the Navigate platform. Again, please be aware of the email associated with your Navigate platform and be sure and turn on your notifications. The Navigate email will be used to inform you, in March, of how to register for the TEAS, if eligible.
5. Review the Physical Therapist Assistant Checklist.
Details about other steps taken after the deadline are discussed, including the TEAS and interview process that will occur in the spring semester, after the application deadline.
Physical Therapist Assistant Checklist (PDF)
The Health Professions Advisor will be in contact by email once an applicant has supplied all their transcripts. The Health Professions Advisors do not have any input in the final admission decisions for a program, so face-to-face contact with the advisor is not a requirement.
Apply Early
By applying early to VWCC and submitting your high school/GED records and all college transcripts, one of the Health Professions Advisors will be able to provide answers to many of your questions and help guide you in making decisions for this restricted program. They will notify you of any prerequisite requirements you have not met and provide advising on how to meet those requirements, as well as selecting courses that can be utilized to increase your cumulative GPA by the end of the Fall semester. Current enrollment in missing prerequisites is not required to apply early, but all prerequisites must be completed with a “C” or better by the summer semester prior to the first fall semester of the program. We encourage application and submission of all official transcripts prior to the beginning of fall semester, so that any deficiencies in the academic record could be addressed in both fall and spring semesters.
It is also strongly encouraged and advantageous for applicants to plan to attend a First Friday Application “Best Practices” for restricted Health Profession programs. This event is held the first Friday of every month (except July) at 1:00 in Fralin, Room 210. It will tentatively be from 1-2:30 with a question and answer time after the presentation.
The cost of attendance is an estimate of the costs a student may have while at Virginia Western.
Fralin Center HP339
New Students: Chapman Hall
Fax: 540-857-6640
Mailing address:
School of Health Professions
3091 Colonial Ave., SW
Roanoke, VA 24015
Jordan Tucker, PT, DPT, EdD
Program Director and Assistant Professor, Physical Therapist Assistant
B.S. – Ithaca College, 2004
M.S. – Ithaca College, 2005
DPT – Ithaca College, 2005
EdD – A.T. Still University, 2021
Martha Sullivan, Dean