Applications for the fall 2026 class are being accepted now and must include all requested official academic transcripts to be received no later than March 1, 2026. If you are interested in the program but want to find out specifically what requirements you do not meet or what will be necessary, you should apply to the college and submit your official high school and college transcripts directly to the Health Professions Advising and Applications Office (HPAAO), Attention: Pam Woody (Health Careers Specialist). One of the team members in HPAAO (Terry or Woody) will review the official transcripts and then discuss (or refer you to one of the Health Professions Advisors) your particular circumstances with you to answer these questions. We encourage applicants to apply as early as possible for advising purposes.
For Fall 2026, applicants with current healthcare experience will be given consideration in the application process. Prior healthcare experience is established by the following credentials: Nurse Aide, Certified Medical Assistant, EMT, Paramedic, or Phlebotomist credentials. If you have no credential but prior healthcare experience of at least one year, you may submit a letter of recommendation, from your employer, which states the time of the employment (must be at least 12 months) to Pam Woody, stating your work role in patient care. Please submit either healthcare licensure or credential or if no current document, the letter of recommendation from supervisor with your 2025 Nursing application (please be prepared to submit the licensure or letter with your online nursing application). Please note all application materials need to be submitted by the application deadline of March 1.
How To Apply
We require all application material(s) be submitted directly to Health Professions – if you fail to do so, be aware we will not be responsible for any delays in processing your file. In addition, before submission of documents, please apply to VWCC and indicate your plan of study as CSC: Introduction to Nursing. Therefore, when official transcripts arrive on your behalf, they will be directed to Health Professions and can be connected to your record in the database. Complete the following and submit in one envelope (if possible) to:
Pam Woody, VWCC-Health Professions
3091 Colonial Ave.
Roanoke, VA 24015
A meeting with the advisor is not required. If you have questions, it is suggested that any meeting not be conducted until after all transcripts have been submitted to the advisor. You may contact a team of advisors using after that time by email. You should follow the steps below.
1. Apply to VWCC.
If you are not a current VWCC student, apply to the college by completing a VWCC Application. Please make sure you indicate your plan of study as CSC: Introduction to Nursing on the college application and your term to begin as the first semester you plan to take a course, but no later than spring 2026.
All new students intending to start classes at Virginia Western are encouraged to visit Enrollment Center staff in Chapman Hall. They can answer general questions about the college, placement testing, nursing prerequisite requirements (including developmental math, if needed, and science), financial aid, etc. Making contact with the Enrollment Center or a New Student Advisor is a great way to learn more about what the college offers and available resources. They will refer you to a pre-admission advisor for Nursing, when necessary, or to a New Student Advisor.
2. Apply to the Nursing Program.
Apply to the Nursing Program by completing the online 2026 Nursing Application Form (below). Consideration is given to those with any of the following: CNA or CCMA credential, EMT, paramedic, corpsman, phlebotomist or 12 months of healthcare experience in patient care related role with letter of recommendation from supervisor. Please be prepared to submit a copy of certification or healthcare credential with your online application. Healthcare experience without a credential is considered with a supervisor’s recommendation indicating 12 months of healthcare experience related to patient care. Please submit the recommendation letter with your application if possible. The letter of recommendation must be at the Health Professions Advising and Applications Office by March 1. Please only submit the letter of recommendation if you do not have a current healthcare license or certification.
If you’ve applied to the college and have your MyVWCC username and password:
- Nursing Application (login with your MyVWCC username and password)
- Application Instructions (PDF)
If you have not yet applied to the college and do not have a MyVWCC username and password:
After going to the link, a Dynamic Forms account will have to be created before filling out the application. This is done by selecting “Create New Account” in the bottom left corner of the sign in screen. After submitting the account information, an activation e-mail will be sent to the corresponding email address with an activation link provided. The link will take you to the Nursing application. If the link fails to directly open an application, reselect the link above to automatically take you there.
Please be prepared to submit documentation of any healthcare certification or licensure when you submit the application. However, you can save a draft of the application to return to at a later time and upload the healthcare certification/licensure and submit the application. Click here to access an application that was saved and return to the in-progress application.
Once you have logged in with the account information that was created in the previous step, you will need to go to “My Forms” (upper right of screen) then “Pending / Draft Forms” (under the drop down to “My Forms”) to see the saved form. Then you will need to select “Action” (to right of the application you want to continue) and “Complete Form”. Once you have completed the application and all the required fields, you can then submit the application. We encourage you to submit the application as early as possible so that we can begin the initial process for our Nursing program. Our office is unable to access a “saved” application as we only have access to the application once you submit the application. All communication regarding the process letter that verifies prerequisite courses completed, support classes completed, and GPA will be sent to the email associated with your SIS account. In the spring semester, the letter informing qualified applicants of the testing process and finally status letters for fall, will be sent using the email in your Navigate account.
3. Obtain your transcripts.
Have all official transcripts (high school and college in original intact sealed envelope) and a copy of GED scores (if applicable). We strongly suggest applicants request transcripts be sent to the applicant’s mailing address, so you are fully aware of whether your request is filled and all material can be placed by you in one larger envelope for submission. Remember, do not open any envelope which contains a transcript, they are no longer “official” to us when you open them.
If any school’s policy prevents them from issuing “official” transcripts directly to you, please request they be sent addressed directly to Pam Woody at the address above. Please do not request transcripts from VWCC or any other community college in Virginia. HS transcripts are required even if you are a college graduate. GED holders must also submit official high school transcripts if completed at least through the 9th grade. If you were home-schooled, a detailed academic curriculum report showing completion and signed by the school administrator is required (including a statement indicating if a lab component was completed for Biology and Chemistry).
Note: Official Electronic transcripts (from High School and colleges) can be accepted from such platforms as Parchment, Scribbles, National Clearinghouse and etc. Please use or if using Parchment, select, VWCC-Health Professions as the destination.
Transcript Request Form (PDF)
4. Submit your application materials.
We suggest mailing your application packet (official transcripts) to Miss Woody at the address above. Material being hand-delivered to campus should be brought to the 3rd floor of the Fralin Center, Room HP339. The Health Professions Advising and Applications Office is usually accessible from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. The Nursing advising form letter is scanned to student email or the email that you provided on the application, after your complete application/academic file is reviewed by one of the HPAAO Advisors (usually within 3-4 weeks if received from July to December). It is the applicant’s responsibility to request their own transcripts and pay any required fees. Faxed transcripts are not considered “official” for application. Official electronic transcripts are acceptable (e.g. Parchment) but be sure and direct to Virginia Western Community College–Health Professions if using Parchment or to Pam Woody if using a platform such as National Clearinghouse, Scribbles, etc. Please note that failure to receive the completed two-page process letter that verifies your prerequisites, GPA, and confirms previously completed college coursework that can be utilized in the Nursing curriculum, will indicate that your academic file is incomplete. After submission of all academic materials (transcripts) and waiting for the advising letter for four weeks, please contact the team of HP advisors at to verify missing items from your academic file at that point. This is another reason that early application is encouraged, to allow for verification that all academic transcripts have been received.
Applicants are also strongly encouraged to attend the “Best Practices for Application to Health Professions Programs” that are held the First Friday of each month (except July) at 1:00 in Fralin Room HP339. The sessions outlines the application processes for the Health Professions programs, the time-line for programs, tips and practices, etc. so applicants can be better prepared for the application process and be in the “best place” that they can be for admission.
5. Attend Mandatory Information Session
Attendance at an Information Session is required of all program applicants or those who intend to apply. Covered topics include: cost of program, rigor of program, faculty/student expectations, concept-based nursing education, role of nurses in 2026, employment while enrolled in the nursing program, if accepted, and other related information.
To register for an Information Session, please register through the Virginia Western Extended Services Application.
You must have already applied to become a Virginia Western student (See Step #1 above) to obtain a username (your MyVWCC username) for the log-in. You do not need to have applied for the Nursing Program to register for the Information Session, only to the college. For assistance with this log-in, please call the Help Desk at 540-857-7354.
Once logged in, click “Health Professions Services,” which is typically listed third on the list. Click through to Schedule an Informational Session. When registering for an Informational Session, do not select “Register for Discover”, you must select Health Professions Services.
Note: If this is the first time you’ve logged into the Extended Services App, you will be required to input your text messaging preferences for the College. This lets us know if you would like to receive text messaging from the College and lets you choose which options you wish to receive notifications on.
Informational Session dates will be added to the ESA website in September for the fall and spring sessions. Typically, the fall sessions focus on the LPN to RN bridge components and the spring sessions focus on the traditional nursing applicants.
All applicants for fall 2026 must register and attend an Informational Session between January 2026 and March 2026 to qualify for fall 2026 consideration.
6. Review the Nursing Checklist.
Nursing Checklist (PDF) There are instructions on the checklist for navigating back to your online nursing application.
7. Attend Mandatory Orientation
If accepted, plan to attend the mandatory orientation for Fall 2026, which is tentatively scheduled for one day in the third week of June from 9AM – 12PM.
Apply Early
By applying early to VWCC and submitting official transcripts of high school and college coursework, one of the HP Team Advisors will be able to help you with your course selections each semester. This allows us to advise you in a timely manner of any prerequisite requirements you have not met and how you may meet those requirements, as well as selecting courses that can be utilized to increase your GPA.
Transfer Applicants (from one actual Nursing program to another Nursing program)
Transfer applicants must complete the steps outlined in the Transfer Request Policy/Requirements from One Nursing Program to Another.
NOTE: Transfer credit is only allowed for a nursing course of comparable credit and content. Transfer credit is given for a grade of C or above in nursing courses completed in the previous two years. Only courses taken at State Board approved schools are considered for transfer credit. Placement is considered on an individual basis. An applicant who meets all admission requirements is not guaranteed admission to the program. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of May 2026.
The cost of attendance is an estimate of the costs a student may have while at Virginia Western.
Fralin Center HP339
New Students: Chapman Hall
540-857-7341 or 540-857-6644
Fax: 540-857-6640
Mailing address:
School of Health Professions
3091 Colonial Ave., SW
Roanoke, VA 24015
Dr. Kelley Pennell
Coordinator of Nursing
DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) – University of Texas Health San Antonio, 2017
MSN with Adult Clinical Specialist Certification – University of Texas School of Nursing Austin, 2007
BS in Business Administration, University of Phoenix, 1996
AA in Liberal Arts, Dallas Community College, 1991
Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist-BC, Expires 2028
Martha Sullivan, Dean