Policy Number: I-84
Last Reviewed: February 25, 2025
Responsible Dept.: Vice President of Academic & Workforce Solutions and Vice President of Student Affairs
A signed copy of this policy is available in the President’s Office.
The purpose of this policy is to clarify the processes to be followed by students and college staff when processing administrative changes to enrollment outside of the standard enrollment dates for the term.
This policy applies to both credit and non-credit courses.
Each course has established periods of registration, and all changes should occur within these designated periods. The college will consider requests for late enrollment changes outside of these timeframes due to extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
This policy is not intended to allow students to switch between short session and regular session enrollment during the same term, which will only be allowed in extreme circumstances and when initiated by a college employee.
I. Late Add
Students must enroll in a course by the published deadline. Late enrollment in a course may be approved only with extenuating circumstances, or to address a college need.
Extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to, administrative error or a necessary unplanned modality change by faculty.
A request for a late add may be initiated by faculty or staff. All requests must be submitted to the Records Office and must be approved by the applicable faculty, academic dean, and registrar.
II. Late Drop
Students enrolled in a course may drop the course for a full refund by the last day to drop and receive a refund for the course. Dropping a course for a refund may be approved only with extenuating circumstances, or to address a college need.
Extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to, administrative error or a necessary unplanned modality change by faculty.
A request for a late drop may be initiated by faculty or staff. All requests must be submitted to the Records Office and must be approved by the applicable faculty, academic dean, and registrar.
III. Late Withdrawal
After the completion of 60% of the course, a student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a course is assigned a grade of “F”. Exceptions to this policy may be made under extenuating circumstances with supporting documentation.
Students seeking an administrative withdrawal must submit a Request for Administrative Withdrawal. To be eligible for an administrative withdrawal, the student must be passing the course(s) as of the last date of attendance, as confirmed by the instructor(s).
All requests for Administrative Withdrawal will be reviewed by a committee comprised of faculty and staff. All determinations made by the committee are considered final. To formally contest a final grade, see the Student Grievance Policy.
Requests for administrative withdrawal must be submitted by the last day of the following term (e.g., a request for withdrawal from fall course(s) must be submitted by the end of the following spring term). Exceptions to this deadline may be considered in cases in which the student was unable to submit the request, such as extreme medical conditions, incarceration, etc.
Please see the Grading policy for additional information.
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