Policy Number: I-71
Last Reviewed: March 9, 2021
Responsible Dept.: Vice President of Academic & Workforce Solutions
A signed copy of this policy is available in the President’s Office.
The purpose of the policy is to clarify the role of college stakeholders in identifying, reviewing, and approving CPL Course Equivalencies to permit qualified students to earn college credit for prior learning.
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) refers to the opportunity through which college prospects or students may earn college credit for demonstrated college-level learning obtained through a variety of means, such as self-directed, work-based, and experiential learning.
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is synonymous with CPL, but refers more to the methods by which college-level learning obtained outside the college is evaluated. Examples include credit by examination (e.g., CLEP), credit for evaluated training and credentials (e.g., ACE CREDIT recommendations) and credit by e-Portfolio and assessment.
Credit for Prior Learning Workgroup is the college governance committee whose purpose is to serve learners, “through the identification, support, and recognition of college-level learning, regardless of how, where, when, or why that learning was acquired,” and whose charge is to, “expand CPL opportunities” and “refine CPL processes” at the college (college governance documents).
CPL Course Equivalent is the non-traditional learning equivalent of a college course. For example, an industry credential may represent the equivalent of SAF 127 – Industrial Safety. CPL course equivalents are not to be confused with course substitutions-the substitution of one college course for another.
In collaboration with the responsible Dean, stakeholders with an interest in recommending college course equivalencies should contact the college CPL Specialist before navigating the following steps:
- Faculty, staff, or other stakeholders identify and informally propose a course equivalent for which college course credit may be awarded (e.g., industry credential, exam, etc.), to the college CPL Specialist.
- The stakeholder shall consult with the CPL Specialist and the responsible Dean when preparing their written proposal to the CPL Workgroup for review, evaluation, and recommendation.
- The CPL Workgroup reviews the written proposal, hears stakeholder presentations regarding course equivalents, and determines whether to recommend the proposal to the Curriculum Committee.
- The CPL Workgroup may recommend approval of the proposed course equivalent, not recommend approval of the proposal, or request a modification to the proposal.
- The CPL Workgroup Facilitator will submit the CPL Course Credit Proposal form and the recommendations from the CPL Workgroup to the Curriculum Committee Chair for review at the next Curriculum Committee Meeting. CPL Specialist and recommending faculty, program head or dean co-present to the Curriculum Committee.
- The Curriculum Committee Chair reports the action taken to the CPL Workgroup Facilitator, CPL Specialist, and the stakeholder and Dean who were responsible for the original proposal.
- The CPL Specialist ensures approved course equivalencies are listed in college publications and viewable to students, faculty, and advisors.
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