Policy Number: III-1
Last Reviewed: February 20, 2023
Responsible Dept.: Human Resources
A signed copy of this policy is available in the President’s Office.
The Code of Virginia and the Department of Human Resources Management (DHRM) require each state agency to establish an employee alternate work schedule policy to promote general work efficiencies.
Alternate Work Schedule – Alternate work schedules are those that differ from the standard workweek schedule, such as a compressed or flexible work schedule.
Compressed Work Schedule – A full workweek (40 hours) condensed into fewer than five (5) days or two full workweeks (80 hours) compressed into nine (9) days. The latter is typically referred to as a 9/80 schedule. A compressed work schedule for non-exempt employees must adhere to a 40-hour Friday through Thursday workweek.
Flexible Work Schedule – A schedule other than 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday through Thursday, such as 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with a one (1) hour lunch. Actual schedules will be based on the duties and responsibilities of the position and the needs of the customers it serves taking into consideration overall office coverage.
Standard Workweek – VWCC’s standard workweek is Friday through Thursday consisting of 40 work hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday through Thursday. Non-exempt employees will not be scheduled to work more than 40 hours in any seven-day workweek of Friday through Thursday, unless directed and approved in advance by the immediate supervisor as overtime. Non-exempt employees are not eligible for a compressed workweek consisting of more than 40 hours in the workweek.
This policy contains guidelines for alternate work schedules for Virginia Western Community College (VWCC). It applies to full-time classified and 12-month professional faculty employees. The intent of this policy is to provide a framework in consideration of alternate work schedules that: 1) supports operational efficiency, 2) ensures high quality, uninterrupted service to all VWCC customers, 3) is cost neutral, and 4) ensures departments are staffed, trained and operated in a manner that assures work continuity.
Alternate work schedules may be approved and used when it is in the best interest of VWCC, supports the attainment of our mission, meets the business needs of the college, and is mutually agreed upon by the employee and his/her supervisor.
Alternate work schedules can benefit both the employee and VWCC. However, decisions made about the feasibility of a position being eligible for an alternate work schedule will be based on the duties and requirements of the position and operational needs.
Alternate work schedules are operational considerations, not employee rights or benefits; therefore, decisions to utilize such arrangements are based on the position, not the person.
Alternate work schedules do not change the terms and conditions of employment or the required compliance with all state, federal, VCCS and VWCC laws, policies and procedures.
Managers considering the eligibility of positions for teleworking should consider if the position:
- Includes a low requirement for direct contact with customers;
- normally supervises others or supports customers, or maintains departmental continuity, as these positions would not typically be considered;
- is a position identified by the employee’s supervisor, department head, and Human Resources as a position eligible for an alternate work schedule.
Once it has been determine that a position is eligible, managers must ensure that the incumbent:
- Has demonstrated a thorough understanding of their position responsibilities;
- has an established track record of success and solid work performance;
- has strong organizational and time management skills along with effective communication skills; and,
- is not a new employee or one who is currently serving the required probationary period. The only exception to this will be determined by conditions of employment when the individual is hired.
Employees approved for and assigned alternate work schedules are not excluded from meeting standard expectations of all employees, such as:
- Adhering to their assigned work schedules;
- taking breaks and lunch periods as authorized;
- notifying management as soon as possible if they are unable to adhere to their schedules, such as late arrivals or early departures; and,
- working overtime hours only when required by the supervisor and approved in advance.
The alternate work schedule may be initially established as a pilot work agreement on a month-by -month basis. The work arrangement may continue provided, in part, that the employee has completed all assigned tasks and is meeting established deadlines. Alternate work schedules are not permanent and can be altered or end as determined by the supervisor or other leadership.
The termination of an alternate work schedule may occur at any time.
An alternate work schedule does not automatically move with an employee who assumes a new position or apply when a new employee moves into a position previously approved for an alternate work schedule.
Managing the operations of each department is dynamic and has evolving challenges; therefore, decisions that govern alternate work schedules are subject to change. A new supervisor may not choose to automatically continue an existing alternate work schedule agreement. The existing agreement may be suspended or rescinded for any reason.
The college reserves the right to end the alternate work schedule at any time. Generally, the employee will be given advance notice of termination (2 weeks), but advance notice is not required. When in the interests of organizational benefit and/or for reasons including but not limited to declining performance, violations of policies and procedures, or the failure to fulfill the intent of the alternate work schedule, advance notice is not required.
Alternate work schedules do not change the terms and conditions related to leave, holidays or other absences. Refer to Employee Alternate Work Schedule Procedure for examples as it relates to college closures, holiday, and when applying leave is required.
Use of accrued leave will reflect the standard workday hours as approved in the alternate work schedule. For example, if an employee is working a four 10-hour day work schedule, an absence for sick leave or annual leave will be charged as 10 hours of leave.
State holidays each count as eight (8) hours. Half a day holiday closures account for four (4) hours. When the holiday falls on a non-work day or a workday of less than 8 hours, schedules will need to be adjusted in the same week in which the holiday was observed to balance out the workweek. The employee, in advance, shall pre-arrange his/her adjusted work schedule with his/her supervisor.
Employees who are working an alternate work schedule must have their scheduled workday equal the number of hours as approved through a combination of holiday leave and the usage of accrued leave. Work may substitute the usage of accrued leave when the holiday closure is a half a day or less.
The college may experience delayed openings, day class and/or evening class closures, and early dismissals due to inclement weather or other emergencies. Inclement weather or other emergency closings occurring on an employee’s non-work day is non-compensable nor is the time credited to take later. For closures that occur during an employee’s workday, the number of hours worked and credited hours for closure must equal the designated total hours for that day; otherwise, the employee must utilize the appropriate leave in order to be accountable for their alternate work schedule hours for that day. Inclement weather is only credited when the employee is otherwise scheduled to work.
Supervisors and participating employees must adhere to and abide by all established applicable policies and procedures.
Additional Information:
DHRM Policy 1.25 Hours of Work
2.2-2817.1 Code of Virginia
Virginia Western Community College Alternate Work Schedule Procedure
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