Policy Number: V-2
Last Reviewed: December 14, 2023
Responsible Dept.: Human Resources, Campus Police, Student Affairs
Office to contact for clarifications: Human Resources, Campus Police, Student Affairs
A signed copy of this policy is available in the President’s Office.
For immediate assistance in an emergency (e.g., assault, direct threat of violence, suicide attempt, an incident involving drugs, weapons, etc.) or to report any crime in progress call 911 or Campus Police (7-7979). The Campus Police are authorized by the state judicial system to perform the same law enforcement functions as local and state police.
It is the intent of Virginia Western Community College to provide a safe and secure environment for college employees, students, and visitors by establishing preventative measures, holding perpetrators accountable, and providing assistance and support to victims. This policy specifically addresses the college’s position on prevention, reduction, and management of violence to provide a safe working and learning environment for our students, employees, and visitors or third parties at all college owned, controlled, or leased properties, including off-campus locations. In implementing this policy, the college is guided by the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Policy 2.35, Civility in the Workplace and Code of Virginia 23.1-805 pertaining to Threat Assessment Teams.
The Commonwealth of Virginia and Virginia Western Community College (VWCC) are committed to creating and maintaining an environment that is free from disruptive, threatening, and violent behavior. VWCC will not ignore, condone, or tolerate disruptive, threatening, or violent behavior by any member of the VWCC community or by unaffiliated visitors or third parties. Faculty, staff, and students engaging in such behavior will be subject to appropriate disciplinary procedures, up to and including dismissal, under Policy 1.60, Standards of Conduct, Section 3 of the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) Policy Manual, and Student Policies. Criminal charges will apply if appropriate. Actions by third parties may be addressed by a police officer and may include other entities. VWCC will thoroughly and properly investigate any complaint of violence, threat of violence, or any infractions of this policy.
The conduct of students is covered in the Virginia Western Student Policy I-21 (Student Conduct) and Student Policy I-46 (Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking). The Vice President of Academic and Workforce Services and the Vice President of Student Affairs are responsible for the implementation of student policies. Nothing in this policy amends the college policies governing student life and conduct.
Articulable and Significant threat of violence is defined as a knowing and willful statement or course of conduct that would cause a reasonable person to believe that someone is under a threat of an actual, impending, or imminent emergency involving death or serious bodily injury to others.
An at-risk individual is defined as an employee, student, or other person who is a potential target or victim.
Assault is committed when one person (a) tries to or does physically strike another or (b) acts in a threatening manner to put another in fear of immediate harm.
Aggravated assault is defined as a completed or attempted attack with a weapon and an attack without a weapon in which the victim is seriously injured.
Campus is defined as any location, either permanent or temporary, owned or leased by Virginia Western. This includes, but is not limited to, the buildings, grounds, and the surrounding perimeters, including parking lots, field locations, classrooms, common areas, and alternate class locations, and any college owned or leased vehicles for travel to and from work assignments.
College property means any property owned, leased, or controlled by Virginia Western Community College and/or the administrative office of the Virginia Community College System.
Cyber-bullying is using technology to intentionally harm others through threatening or intimidating messages. Bullying that occurs via the Internet, cell phones, or other devices (e-mails, IMs, text messages, blogs, pictures, videos, postings on social media, etc.).
Disruptive behavior is defined as behavior that disturbs, interferes with, or prevents normal operation of the college. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, yelling, using profanity, waving arms and fists, verbally abusing others, or refusing a reasonable request for identification.
Employee, for purposes of this policy, is defined as any full-time faculty-rank or classified employee, hourly/wage classified or student employee, adjunct faculty, work/study student in the performance of duties, intern, or volunteer performing work directly for the college.
Firearms means (i) any pistol, revolver, or other weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind by action of an explosion of any combustible material.
Intimidation is engaging in actions that include, but are not limited to, stalking or behavior intended to frighten, coerce, or induce duress.
Mental Health Professional is a person who by education and experience is professionally qualified to provide counseling interventions designed to facilitate an individual’s achievement of human development goals and remediate mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and associated distress which interfere with mental health and development. A mental health professional who serves on a threat assessment team may be an employee or a member of the community.
Physical attack is unwanted or hostile physical contact such as hitting, fighting, pushing, shoving, or throwing objects.
Police Officer means law-enforcement officials appointed pursuant to Article 3 (§ 15.2-1609 et seq.) of Chapter 16 and Chapter 17 (§ 15.2-1700 et seq.) of Title 15.2, Chapter 17 (§ 23.1-809 et seq.) of Title 23, Chapter 2 (§ 29.1-200 et seq.) of Title 29.1, or Chapter 1 (§ 52-1 et seq.) of Title 52 of the Code of Virginia or sworn federal law-enforcement officers.
Property damage is intentional damage to property and includes property owned or leased by the college, employees, students, volunteers, visitors, or vendors.
Sexual assault is defined as any forcible sexual activity that occurs without the consent of the victim. It includes, but is not limited to, unwanted kissing and fondling, forcible vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse, and forcible penetration with an object or finger. Consent is an agreement reached without force, coercion, or intimidation between persons. Forcible sexual activity occurs when consent is not reached or when the victim is mentally incapacitated or physically helpless.
Stalking is defined as repeatedly contacting another person when the contact is unwanted. Additionally, the conduct causes the other person reasonable apprehension of imminent physical or mental harm. Contact includes, but is not limited to, communicating with (either in person, by phone, or computer) or remaining in the physical presence of the other person.
Student is defined as any individual who has enrolled in any credit or non-credit offerings of the college and who has not yet graduated or ceased regular attendance in the course(s) in which enrollment has occurred. If a student’s enrollment lapses for more than one semester, the student will no longer be subject to disciplinary action under this policy.
Student employee is defined as any work/study student or student wage employee on the college payroll.
Stun weapon (taser) means any device that emits a momentary or pulsed output that is electrical, audible, optical, or electromagnetic in nature and which is designed to temporarily incapacitate a person.
Third parties are individuals who are not state employees or students, such as relatives, visitors, acquaintances, contractual workers, vendors, volunteers, customers, clients, or strangers.
Threat is the expression of intent to cause physical or mental harm. An expression constitutes a threat without regard to whether the party communicating the threat has the present ability to carry it out and without regard to whether the expression is contingent, conditional, or future.
Threatening behavior is defined as behavior that includes physical actions short of actual contact/injury (e.g., moving closer aggressively) and general verbal or written threats to people or property, as well as implicit threats.
Victim is defined as an individual who has experienced or witnessed an act or acts of violence or threats of violence as outlined in this policy.
Violence the use of physical force to cause harm or using such force to intimidate others. It does not include lawful acts of self- defense.
Weapon means (i) any pistol, revolver, or other weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind by action of an explosion of any combustible material; (ii) any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, machete, razor, slingshot, spring stick, metal knucks, or blackjack; (iii) any flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts connected in such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may be known as a nun chahka, nun chuck, nunchaku, shuriken, or fighting chain; (iv) any disc, of whatever configuration, having at least two points or pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be known as a throwing star or oriental dart; or (v) any weapon of like kind, to include but not limited to, tasers.
Weapon does not mean knives or razors used for domestic purposes, pen or folding knives with blades less than three inches in length, or knives of like kind carried for use in accordance with the purpose intended by the original seller.
Workplace is any location, either permanent or temporary, where an employee performs any work- related duty or is representing the agency in this capacity. This includes, but is not limited to, the buildings and the surrounding perimeters, including parking lots, field locations, classrooms, alternate work locations, and college owned or leased vehicles used for travel to and from work assignments, or places that by policy has a sufficient relationship to the workplace or the college’s operations, services, or reputation. It also applies to written, verbal, or graphic communications delivered in person, via phone, message, computer, or social media.
Workplace Violence is any physical assault or threatening behavior occurring in the workplace by employees, students, or third parties. It includes, but is not limited to, beating, stabbing, suicide, intentionally damaging property, an intimidating presence which makes a reasonable person apprehensive of imminent harm, and harassment of any nature such as stalking, shouting so to cause a disruption, swearing or committing injurious acts motivated by, or related to, domestic violence or sexual harassment.
Virginia Western Community College does not tolerate acts of violence or hostility committed by or against employees, students, contractual workers, temporary employment agency workers, volunteers, visitors, or other third parties on college owned, controlled, or leased properties, or while conducting college business at any location, including representing the college at conferences or off-site meetings, or traveling in college owned or leased vehicles.
The personal conduct of students involving violations occurring off college property will be addressed under college policies administered under student policies, if college officials decide that college interests are involved.
Student employees, including work/study students, may also be covered under relevant employee policies.
It is intended that all useful management strategies be employed to identify and prevent incidents of workplace and campus violence, reduce the effects of violence on victims, and provide consequences to those who threaten or perpetrate violence. College managers, employees and students are responsible for reporting indications of behavior that violates this policy and must not be subjected to any acts of retaliation for reporting these concerns. Those seeking to remedy workplace violence may file a complaint with the Associate Vice President of Human Resources, the college president, the vice presidents, their supervisor(s), or any individual(s) designated by the agency to receive such reports. Managers and/or supervisors who fail to take appropriate action upon becoming aware of the acts of violence shall be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination.
Based on the nature of the offense, individuals may want to report acts of violence to Campus Police. Under no circumstances shall the individual alleging acts of violence be required to file a complaint with the alleged person. The college will use available resources such as employee assistance programs, law enforcement offices, the college’s Behavioral Health and Wellness Office, the Vice President of Student Affairs Office, Care/Threat Assessment Team and applicable human resources and student programs and policies in responding to alleged acts of violence.
Violence includes, but is not limited to, intimidation, threats, physical attack, domestic and dating violence, stalking, or property damage, and includes acts of violence committed by or against college employees, students, contractual workers, temporary employment agency workers, customers, relatives, acquaintances, or other third parties in college facilities or on college grounds. Workplace violence is further defined as any physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse occurring in the workplace by employees, students, or third parties. It includes, but is not limited to, beating, stabbing, shooting, rape, suicide, attempted suicide, psychological trauma such as threats, obscene phone calls, an intimidating presence, and harassment of any nature such as stalking, shouting, or swearing, such that a reasonable level of fear is felt.
Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, intentionally:
- injuring another person physically;
- engaging in actions that undermine safety;
- engaging in verbal or physical behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to an identifiable person;
- engaging in verbal or physical behavior that subjects an identifiable individual to extreme emotional distress or feelings of being unsafe;
- engaging in threatening or violent behavior based upon race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or other protected status;
- defacing or damaging property;
- threatening to injure an individual or to damage property;
- committing injurious or threatening acts related to sexual assault, stalking, dating or domestic violence, or sexual harassment;
- brandishing a weapon or firearm;
- retaliating against any individual who, in good faith, reports a violation of this policy.
Verbal behavior also includes use of any method of communication such as college email and comments posted on college websites.
A violation of this policy shall be considered unacceptable conduct and subject to disciplinary actions under the appropriate faculty, staff, and student policies, up to and including dismissal.
- College classified employees are subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Commonwealth of Virginia Standards of Conduct and Performance Policy 1.60.
- College faculty employees are subject to disciplinary actions as outlined in the VCCS Policy Manual, Section 3, Faculty Sanctions, and are subject to the spirit and intent of actions set forth in the Commonwealth of Virginia Standards of Conduct and Performance Policy 1.60.
- Hourly and wage employees, including adjunct faculty, are “at will” employees and may be disciplined or dismissed.
- Students are subject to disciplinary actions as outlined in Virginia Western student policies. Additionally, students who are identified as engaging in the use of threatening language or behavior may be required, as a condition of continued enrollment, to participate in a mental health evaluation as part of a threat assessment process, and receive approval from the mental health evaluator that they are not a risk to themselves or others. .
- Individuals who violate this policy may also be subject to arrest for trespassing and/or violation of the appropriate state criminal statute, and/or may be barred from the campus.
- For employees, an act of off-duty violent conduct may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal per applicable personnel policies.
- Additionally, employees who are identified as engaging in the use of threatening language or behavior may be required, as a condition of continued employment, to participate in a mental health evaluation as part of a threat assessment process, and receive approval from a mental health evaluator that they are not a risk to themselves or others.
The following section provides rules and procedures for the possession of weapons on campus grounds, in campus buildings, and at campus events. It is consistent with the Regulation of Weapons (Appendix A) adopted by the State Board for Community Colleges, Section 3 of the VCCS Policy Manual, and Threat Assessment Policy Guidelines of the Virginia Community College System, and the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Virginia. This section of policy will also apply to all faculty, staff, students, and third parties entering campus buildings or attending college-sponsored events.
The State Board for Community Colleges is authorized by Virginia Code to promulgate regulations for carrying out its responsibilities. State Board for Community Colleges Regulation 8VAC95-10-10 et seq. (Appendix A) sets out prohibitions for weapons possession on all college campuses within the VCCS. The Local Board of Virginia Western Community College, as authorized by the State Board for Community Colleges, may adopt and amend local college policies regarding weapons pursuant to State Board regulations.
Possession or carrying of any weapon by any person, except a police officer, is prohibited on college property in academic buildings, administrative office buildings, student centers, multi-purpose centers, dining facilities and places of like kind where people congregate, or while attending any college- sponsored sporting, entertainment or educational events. Entry upon the aforementioned college property in violation of this prohibition is expressly forbidden. Faculty, staff, and students may not possess or carry any weapon anywhere on college property except as outlined:
- Current sworn and certified local, state, and federal law enforcement officers with proper identification, may possess or carry a weapon on college property, inside all campus buildings, and at all campus events.
- Faculty, staff, and students may secure handguns, rifles, and shotguns in a compartment or container of parked vehicles. Faculty, staff, and students who wish to secure a handgun in their vehicle must possess a valid concealed handgun permit. The compartment or container may be a trunk or other storage area. At no time shall a weapon be visible in plain view while inside a vehicle.
- Faculty, staff, and students who wish to secure a handgun, rifle, or shotgun in their vehicle must complete the Weapon Storage form included in Appendix B.
- All faculty, staff, and students who complete a Weapon Storage form shall be allowed to secure weapons in their vehicles.
- Third parties may secure handguns, rifles, and shotguns in parked vehicles. Third parties are encouraged to secure weapons in the trunk of vehicles or otherwise out of sight of passersby. If visitors and contractors store handguns in a parked vehicle, the handgun must be secured in a compartment or container inside the vehicle.
- The Chief of Campus Police may authorize in writing a person to possess, store, or use a weapon: (i) when used for educational or artistic instruction, display, parade, or ceremony sponsored or approved by the college (unloaded or disabled only and with other specified safeguards, if appropriate); or (ii) for any college-approved training, course, or class.
If campus police officers observe or receive a report of a violation of this policy, campus police will direct the individual to leave the campus building or event immediately. The individual may secure the weapon inside his or her vehicle and return. In the event the individual fails to comply, campus police will take appropriate action, to include arrest.
In cases involving an immediate threat of violence, members of the campus community are encouraged to call 911 or campus police at 540-857-7979 immediately. Campus police may make an arrest or take other action as appropriate.
Persons observed on the open grounds of campus (streets, sidewalks, and other open areas on college property) may be asked by campus police to identify his or her relationship with the college to confirm whether a violation of this policy has occurred, (i.e., determine whether the individual is a student, employee, or visitor). If the individual is a visitor who intends to enter a campus building or event where weapons are prohibited, campus police shall advise that, pursuant to regulation (Appendix A), it is unlawful to enter such places while possessing or carrying a weapon. The individual shall be advised to secure the weapon inside his or her vehicle prior to entering the building or event.
Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action under the student conduct code up to and including, dismissal.
Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination, using existing policies and procedures including Section 3 of the VCCS Policy Manual or DHRM Policy 1.60, Standards of Conduct.
Pursuant to the Regulation of Weapons (Appendix A), visitors and contractors in violation of the prohibitions on the possession of weapons are subject to arrest and may be barred from the campus.
Prevention, Risk Assessment, and Response
The Chief of Police exercises authority over the college’s crisis management and emergency preparedness planning and direction. The Chief of Police will exercise authority and responsibility over crisis management matters as directed by the college president.
Violence Prevention Committee “Care Team”/Threat Assessment Team
Virginia Western Community College shall establish a violence prevention committee with responsibility for education and violence prevention on campus. The membership of this body shall include representatives from the following areas: student affairs, behavioral health and wellness advocate; the chief of Campus Police; the associate vice president of Human Resources; and, may be expanded to include outside agencies when appropriate (i.e.: counselors, public safety agencies, etc.;) with reviews by VCCS legal counsel, as necessary. This team shall serve to intervene, assess and determine actions as a threat assessment team as defined by the Code of Virginia, Section 23.1-805. In all cases the membership of the committee must comply with the requirements of Virginia Code 23.1-805. The “Care Team” shall publish for its college community, a clear statement of its mission and membership, as well as the committee’s leadership role in the area of violence prevention.
The “Care Team”/Threat Assessment Team is charged with (a) providing guidance to students, faculty, and staff regarding recognition of threatening or aberrant behavior that may represent a threat to the community; (b) identifying members of the campus community to whom threatening behavior should be reported; (c) developing comprehensive fact-based assessments of students, employees, or other individuals who may present a threat to the college (and/or adjacent communities) and determining appropriate means of intervention with such individuals; and (d) taking the necessary and appropriate actions regarding policies and procedures for the assessment of individuals whose behavior may present a threat, taking appropriate means of intervention with such individuals, and applying sufficient means of action, including interim suspension or medical separation to resolve potential threats, referrals to community services boards or health care providers, and notification of family members or guardians, or both, unless such notification would prove harmful to the individual in question, consistent with VCCS and college policies and applicable law. (Reference Code of Virginia, Section 23-9.2:10.C) The “Care Team”/Threat Assessment Team decisions regarding students are appealable only to the Vice President of Academic and Workforce Solutions.
The “Care Team”/Threat Assessment Team will take specific actions in a timely manner based upon potential or real threats to the campus community. These actions may include, but are not limited to, interim suspensions, medical separations, or dismissal of students, and recommending disciplinary measures applicable to employees pursuant to employment policies. This team will determine corrective actions to be taken to prevent future incidents and develop the necessary reports to document and support actions taken. For employee-related matters, the “Care Team”/Threat Assessment Team may expand to include the respective supervisor, and the respective vice president. The employee-related actions shall be pursuant to conduct and disciplinary policies in effect at those given times.
All records and/or documentation will be located and retained by the Virginia Western Campus Police Department. Threat Assessment Team records are exempt from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in most cases. All meetings shall be recorded either through a scribe or electronically.
Identifying and Reporting Risks
All individuals are encouraged to be alert to the possibility of violence on the part of employees, former employees, students, customers, guests, and strangers. Employees and students shall place safety as their highest concern and shall report all acts of violence and threats of violence. All reports of violence will be handled in a confidential manner, with information released only on a need-to-know basis within the campus community and in accordance with Federal and State laws and regulations. Management shall be sensitive and responsive to the potential for fear of reprisal by employees or students who report threats or acts of violence. This policy prohibits retaliation against any person who, in good faith, reports a violation of this policy. Every effort will be made to protect the safety and anonymity of anyone who comes forward with concerns about a threat or act of violence.
It is the responsibility of every administrator, faculty member, staff member, and student to take any threat or violent act seriously and to report acts of violence or threats to the appropriate authorities as set forth in this policy.
Department heads, division deans, directors, and supervisors are also responsible for communicating the policy to all employees under their supervision, ensuring that facilities are as safe as feasible, identifying and providing violence prevention training to employees as appropriate, and ensuring that all employees are aware of how to report potential threats.
The Virginia Western Campus Police Department will coordinate college actions in case of a violent incident on campus or in the workplace, establish and publish procedures for campus and workplace violence prevention and threat assessment, and investigate threats or incidents of violence. Only the Virginia Western Campus Police or other law enforcement agencies should attempt to apprehend the alleged offender. The chief of Campus Police shall serve as an active member of the “Care Team” and the Threat Assessment Team.
Human Resources will coordinate employee-related preventive measures, including conducting criminal conviction checks in accordance with state, VCCS, and college policies, providing awareness programs to new employees, coordinating referrals to the employee assistance program, advising employees and managers, making referrals to the “Care Team,” and providing assistance to the Student Services function to deliver support for victims of violence. The associate vice president of Human Resources shall serve as an active member of the “Care Team”.
Student Services will coordinate student-related preventive measures including training for professional counselors, faculty, and staff on identifying troubled individuals and training students through the process of reporting threats or acts of violence. The Student Conduct Committee is responsible for responding to and adjudicating violations of college policies for student life. The Vice President of Student Affairs will serve as the chair of the “Care Team,” the goal of which is to coordinate support services and administrative response to crises involving students, assessing behavioral threats and taking the necessary actions to address and prevent threats and violence to the campus community.
The Chief of Police will develop and coordinate the college’s emergency response plan (refer to the VWCC Crisis Management Plan) and coordinate emergency preparedness training for college administrators and employees in partnership with VWCC Campus Police, Human Resources, Student Services, Public Relations, and other offices as appropriate. Appropriate training programs and information will be developed for employees and students.
Reporting Incidents
Any individual who believes there is an immediate danger to the health or safety of any member of the college community should call the VWCC Campus Police at 540-857-7979.
General questions about Civility in the Workplace: Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention should be directed to the VWCC Campus Police Department, Human Resources Office, or Student Services.
Questions about specific issues may also be directed to:
- Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services (540-857-6310)
- Vice President of Academic and Workforce Solutions (540-857-7313)
- President of Student Affairs (540-857-6348)
- Intervention Services (540-857-6711)
- VWCC Chief of Campus Police (540-857-7797)
- Associate Vice President of Human Resources (540-857-6807)
Faculty, staff and students should report behavior that may represent a physical threat to the community. This behavior can be reported by calling Campus Police (540-857-7979), by completing the Behavior Referral Form Concerning Behavior Referral, activating the blue emergency phones on campus or by calling 911.
If someone is unsure about reporting a behavior, the Threat Assessment Team has the capacity and skills to handle issues that fall short of an active threat or danger to the campus. The team meets regularly as the Campus Assessment Response and Evaluation Team (CARE Team). The team operates as a support and intervention team that handles a broad range of campus issues from general behavioral matters to students needing some type of assistance toward success. Reports can be made by calling Campus Police (540-857-7979), calling the Behavioral Health and Wellness Advocate (540-857-6711) or by completing the Behavioral Referral Form Concerning Behavior Referral.
An anonymous report may be filed with the Campus Police at Police@virginiawestern.edu or by completing Anonymous Tips – Feedback & Inquiries – Virginia Western Community College . To contact Campus Police by phone, dial 540-857-7979.
If a Threat is Determined
Upon a preliminary determination that an individual poses a threat of violence to self or others or exhibits significantly disruptive behavior or a need for assistance, the threat assessment team may obtain criminal history record information as provided in 19.2-389, 19.2-389.1 and health records as provided in 32.1-127.1:03.
No member or invited representative of a threat assessment team shall redisclose any criminal history record information or health information obtained pursuant to this section.
The team will notify in writing within 24 hours upon making such preliminary determination (i) the campus police department, (ii) local law enforcement of Roanoke City, local law enforcement for the city or county in which the individual resides, and if known to the threat assessment team, local law enforcement for the city or county in which the individual is located, and (iii) the local attorney for the Commonwealth in any jurisdiction where the threat assessment team has notified local law enforcement
When otherwise consistent with applicable state and federal law, in the event that a student or employee was determined pursuant to an investigation by the institution’s threat assessment team to pose an articulable and significant threat of violence to others is transferring to another institution of higher education or place of employment, if known, the college shall notify the institution of higher education or place of employment to which the individual is transferring of such investigation and determination.
Support for Victims
The college shall make efforts to provide a campus and workplace free from violence and to protect and support victims and those threatened or exposed to acts or threats of workplace violence by offering security measures and identifying appropriate resources for providing support and assistance. Victims may also need special accommodations or adjustments to their work or class schedules, locations, or working conditions in order to enhance their safety. The college shall accommodate these requests and needs whenever possible and appropriate.
Security Planning for Potentially At-Risk Employees and Students
Vice presidents, deans, managers, and supervisors are responsible for (a) formulating and implementing a response plan to deal with disruptive, threatening, or violent behavior in their unit or department and (b) reporting such behavior to Campus Police, the associate vice president of Human Resources, and the college president. All employees shall report disruptive, threatening, and/or violent behavior immediately. Failure to do so shall constitute a violation of this policy.
Some employees can be at risk for violence/hostility because of the nature of their jobs. Other employees or students can be at risk because they are subject to violence, threats, or harassment from a current or former spouse or partner, or other non-employee. The VWCC Campus Police Department, Human Resources, Student Services, and other offices will work with at-risk students and employees, and their supervisors, to develop safety plans that address the specific risks they face.
Pre-employment Screening and Criminal Conviction Checks
Human Resources administers the college’s Criminal History and Motor Vehicle Record Investigation policy and will work with the chief of Campus Police to ensure that criminal conviction checks are conducted in accordance with the policy. Hiring managers are responsible for ensuring that Human Resources receives in a timely manner all documentation necessary to conduct the criminal history check.
Each threat assessment team member shall complete a minimum of eight hours of initial training within 12 months of appointment to the threat assessment team and shall complete a minimum of two hours of threat assessment training each academic year thereafter. Training shall be conducted by the Department of Criminal Justice Services or an independent entity approved by the Department.
New employees shall complete official training for Civility in the Workplace on the Commonwealth
of Virginia’s Learning Center (COVLC) within 60 days of hire.
In accordance with DHRM policy, agencies must ensure that contract workers for the college or other third parties are made aware of the college’s Civility in the Workplace policies and are provided with an opportunity to review the COVLC related training. Third parties may request a paper copy of the COVLC training from the college’s Human Resources Office by calling 540-857-7282.
Additional Information
- References
- Appendix A – Weapons Regulations (PDF)
- Appendix B – Weapons Storage (PDF)
- Code of Virginia, Section 23.1-805 – Violence Prevention Committee; Threat Assessment Team
- Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
- VWCC Faculty Handbook
- VWCC Classified Employee Handbook
- Student Policies
- VCCS Policy Manual
- Department of Human Resource Management Policy 2.35 Civility in the Workplace
- VWCC Crisis Management Plan
- VWCC Policy on Consensual Relations
- VWCC Policy Statement for Civility in the Workplace: Harassment and Bullying
- State Board for Community Colleges Regulation 8VAC95-10-10 et seq., Regulation of Weapons
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