Policy Number: V-1
Last Reviewed: September 29, 2022
Responsible Dept.: Institutional Effectiveness
A signed copy of this policy is available in the President’s Office.
This policy outlines the internal Governance Structure for Virginia Western Community College (VWCC). It defines the reporting and recommendation structure for Councils, Senates, and Teams; outlines the annual meeting schedule; and explains the roles of members.
The Strategic Priority Teams are College Access, Academic Success, Economic Success, Diversity, and Resources. Comprised of a broad range of faculty and staff, these teams will focus on innovative methods to develop, organize and promote college-wide adoption and implementation of best practices to support the strategic plan.
Task Oriented Teams focus on designated charges and deliverables for the year.
The Data Team guides the College in the development, analysis, and use of student outcomes data to inform the strategic plan and improvement efforts for the College. This group collaborates with all teams in the governance structure.
Executive Team members may make recommendations directly to the President.
The President is the final authority with regard to any recommendations for change.
All new governance policies and substantive revisions to existing policies must be reviewed and approved by College Council and accepted by the President prior to becoming official policy.
Virginia Western Community College (VWCC) is a component of the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). As such, VWCC is subject to the policies and procedures established by the VCCS. In addition, VWCC is a Virginia State agency, and is subject to state policies which apply to state agencies generally. The College issues local policies to comply with and implement VCCS and State policies, and to address issues that are not fully addressed by higher authority as listed in the following hierarchy:
- The Higher Education Reauthorization Act and other federal mandates such as IRS regulations
- The Code of Virginia and Governor of Virginia Executive Orders
- VCCS and other State central agency policies such as the Commonwealth Accounting Policies and Procedures (CAPP)
- VWCC publications (Catalog, Faculty Handbook, etc.)
- Other VWCC written policies such as parking regulations
In the event of a conflict or contradiction, the highest applicable level in the hierarchy takes precedence.
Internal Governance Structure

Recommendation Process
Individual departments or employees who would like to recommend a change should make recommendations to the appropriate Executive Team member who in turn will direct the recommendation to the appropriate team or College Council.
Executive Team members may make recommendations directly to the President.
The President is the final authority with regard to any recommendations for change.
A simple majority (50% or more) of the voting members of College Council meeting in person or electronically shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum.
All new governance policies and substantive revisions to existing policies must be reviewed and approved by College Council and accepted by the President prior to becoming official policy. Changes affecting only one department may be handled within that department with the approval of the Executive Staff member. Please see Policy V-4: Policy on Policies.
Special Conditions:
In accordance with VCCS policy, changes to the Faculty Evaluation process must be approved by a majority of Faculty Senate members who participate in the vote.
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