Earth Day, Every Day!

Virginia Western Community College is committed to operating the college in a way that responsibly utilizes our natural resources. We encourage our faculty, staff, and students to engage in behavior that supports conservation and sustainability.
Sustainability Updates
- What’s happening on campus from Facilities Planning & Development
- VWCC Progress on Implementing Recommendations of the Environmental Sustainability Task Force (PDF)
- VCCS Colleges Progress on Implementing Recommendations of the Environmental Sustainability Task Force (PDF)
VW Sustainability Committee Best Practices
The following is a list of best practices developed by the Virginia Western Sustainability Committee. It is designed as a practical guide to follow with the hopes of making your daily routine more environmentally sound and to promote sustainable practices in and around the Virginia Western campus community.
Shut down your computer at the end of every workday.
- Turn off office lights when you’re not in your office.
- Consider whether it is necessary to run all of the lights in the classroom and/or office.
- When using overhead projectors, turn off some or all classroom lights.
- Consider whether it’s possible to go beyond the VCCS recommendation/mandate for using a textbook for three years.
- Consider the use of ebooks.
- There is a battery recycling bucket in every division.
- Call the Help Desk to have toner cartridges picked up.
- Rather than having a pot with a heating element that stays on, use a one-cup coffee maker with a paper, rather than plastic, pod to save on waste, then compost the pod.
- Remove personal refrigerators from individual offices and use community refrigerators instead, where possible.
- Do not use space heaters as they creat a self-defeating cycle in the HVAC system which creates serious energy waste. Dress warmer!
Alternative Methods of Disseminating Information
- Eliminate flyers on campus by using VWConnect, the webpage, Daily Bulletins, and emails.
- If printing is needed, use half-sheets when possible.
- When possible, use the Printing Services department. This saves on toner and electricity.
- Use Blackboard for all handouts, including course syllabi.
- Use Blackboard for assignment submission and for testing.
- Save Powerpoints so they must be printed four or six slides to a page.
Green Resources
Below are links to green and sustainability-related external government and private websites.