Diversity is a core value at Virginia Western Community College. We are committed to promoting a culture and practice of inclusion and empowerment.
Virginia Western defines diversity as the celebration of the unique contributions of all individuals, stemming from, but not limited to, the traditional categories of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation and socio-economic status.
We are Western–a college community united in our individuality.
Did you know?
- Our diverse student body is comprised of students from 8 major ethnic groups.
- The mission of Virginia’s Community Colleges is to “give EVERYONE the opportunity to learn and develop the right skills so lives and communities are strengthened.”
- There are 5 minority-majority institutions in the Virginia Community College System.
- The Office of Disability Services assists in facilitating accommodations for all eligible students.
- Virginia Western has numerous student clubs and organizations. If you can’t find one that matches your interests, you can start a new one! Click on “Student Clubs & Organizations” below for more information.
What does diversity mean to you?

I’m Felix…
- I am an alumnus of Virginia Western. I completed the Practical Nursing program in 2016. I am also a current student pursuing a degree in Nursing at VWCC.
- I was born in Ghana, West Africa. In 2010, I moved to the US and to a little town called Mesquite, NV an hour drive from Las Vegas. A dear family member who had already relocated to Roanoke recommended I move to Roanoke. I took a step of faith and relocated in 2011 with my family. I love the mountains, the weather, and the people here are friendly.
- Going on hikes, playing tennis and soccer are some of the few things I do when I am free. I enjoy sharing the word of God, encouraging, and praying with people.
- My proudest moments include graduating from the LPN program here at Virginia Western, graduating from Liberty University with BS in Religion, and being nominated as one of the healthcare professionals making a difference in Roanoke and the New River Valley – OurHealth Magazine.
- I like Virginia Western because it promotes diversity. The faculty members are supportive and encouraging. Not only that, but VWCC also seeks to provide quality education.
- To me diversity means inclusiveness or oneness. It is acknowledging and respecting our differences. When diversity is embraced and incorporated in our everyday lives, we will see exponential creativity, innovations, and growth as a people and as a nation. Miracles happen when people from different countries, religion, ethnicities, cultures, languages come together as one and share ideas, knowledge, and experiences.
2024 Diversity Calendars
Diversity in the Roanoke Valley
Diversity @ the VCCS
- Virginia Community College System Diversity and Inclusion
- Minority Professional Teaching Fellows
- VCCS Blog: Virginia’s Community College Presidents speak out for social justice
- VCCS Blog: “We are not bystanders to social injustice.” VCCS State Board Chair offers support and a challenge
- VCCS Blog: VCCS Announces Actions It Will Take Following George Floyd’s Murder and Subsequent Protests