What is a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)?
A Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is an integral component of the reaffirmation of accreditation process and is derived from an institution’s ongoing comprehensive planning and evaluation processes. It reflects and affirms a commitment to enhance overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on an issue that the institution considers important to improving student learning outcomes and/or student success. The document submitted by the institution demonstrates that its QEP (a) has a topic identified through its ongoing, comprehensive planning and evaluation processes; (b) has broad-based support of institutional constituencies; (c) focuses on improving specific student learning outcomes and/or student success; (d) commits resources to initiate, implement and complete the QEP; and (e) includes a plan to assess achievement.

QEP Mission Statement
Virginia Western’s Quality Enhancement Plan – Stand Out. Move Forward – seeks to prepare students who display the ability to demonstrate accountability and situational and culturally appropriate communication in the classroom or place of employment.
QEP Student Learning Outcomes
Because of their experience at VWCC:
- Accountability: Associate degree-seeking students will be able to demonstrate accountability.
- Professional Verbal Communication: Associate degree-seeking students will be able to articulate concepts in a professional manner.
- Professional Written Communication: Associate degree-seeking students will be able to write professional communications.
Contact Us
540-857-VWCC (8922)
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Roanoke, VA 24015
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