Policy Number: I-21
Last Reviewed: August 2024
Responsible Dept.: Vice President of Student Affairs
A signed copy of this policy is available in the President’s Office.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Virginia Western Community College holds certain expectations of students to share the responsibility of maintaining a safe, secure, and honest academic environment.
By applying for admission to the College, both credit and non-credit programs, each student agrees to abide by the policies and procedures governing student conduct. The statement below outlines the rights each student has as a member of the college community as well as the responsibilities each student has to continue within that community.
Each student has the privilege of exercising his or her rights without fear of prejudice provided he/she respects the laws of the Commonwealth, the policies of Virginia Western and the rights of others on campus. Such rights include the following:
- Students are free to pursue their educational goals. Appropriate opportunities for learning in the classroom and on campus are provided through the curricula offered by the college.
- No disciplinary sanctions may be imposed without due process, except as provided in the Student Conduct Policy below.
- Students have the right to freedom of expression, inquiry, and assembly provided actions do not interfere with the rights of others or the effective operation of the college.
- Academic evaluation of student performance shall be fair, not arbitrary or inconsistent.
- Members of the college community, including students, have the right to expect safety, protection of property, and the continuity of the educational process.
Each student, as a responsible adult, shall maintain standards of conduct appropriate to membership in the college community. Such responsibilities include the following:
- Each student has the responsibility to demonstrate respect for his or herself as well as faculty, staff and other students.
- Each student has the responsibility to know, understand, and abide by the regulations and policies of the college.
- Each student has the responsibility to pay all fines and debts to the college.
- Each student has the responsibility to maintain academic integrity and abide by the academic honesty policy of the college.
Student Conduct
Disorderly conduct threatens a productive academic environment and will not be tolerated. Disciplinary action by the College shall be limited to conduct that adversely affects the college community’s pursuit of its educational objectives.
Violations of the following list of conduct violations, which is not all-inclusive, are subject to disciplinary action.
- Threat to Health or Safety: When the student’s continued presence at the college is deemed to constitute a threat to the health, safety or welfare of members of the campus community.
- Bomb Threat, Fire Alarm, Hoax: When the student activates a fire or lockdown alarm without cause, or makes a threat to bomb or damage college property, students, faculty, staff, or visitors; or undertakes a hoax involving use of a supposedly destructive device or substance; or encourages, incites, or solicits any person to commit such a threat or such an act.
- Weapons: When the student possesses, on his or her person, or uses weapons, to include guns, knives, or other dangerous objects. No weapons are permitted on campus.
- Theft: When the student engages in theft, larceny, embezzlement, or the temporary taking of the property of another without consent.
- Riot: When the student incites or engages in a riot or a disorderly assembly.
- Drugs: When the student engages in the possession, use, sale or manufacture of illegal or controlled substances.
- Forgery: When the student forges, alters, misuses, or falsifies college documents or records.
- Computer Security: When the student makes unauthorized use of computer resources, or makes unauthorized efforts to penetrate or modify any computing hardware or software.
- Disruption: Interference, interruption, or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, including authorized activities of the college both on-campus and off campus, including field trips. Inappropriate classroom behavior is judged to be a disruption.
- Failure to Comply: Failure to comply with a college official appropriately acting in the performance of his or her duties.
- Verbal Abuse: Bullying or the threat of such abuse of any person on college premises, through online learning or at authorized college activities. This includes insulting language, bullying, yelling, or other similar behavior as determined by the administration both on-campus or off campus.
- Assault, Battery, Fighting: When the student engages in non-sexual assault, battery, or fighting.
- Harassment: Harassment, including speech, actions or conduct which has the intent or effect of depriving a member of the community of educational access opportunities or that undermines the integrity of teaching, learning, and workplace relationships.
- Property Destruction: When the student destroys, damages, defaces, or misuses public or private property, including, but not limited to, any intentional or unintentional discharge of hazardous or non-hazardous material(s) or debris on Campus property.
- Illegal Entry: When the student illegally enters or occupies state property.
- Gambling: When the student engages in unlawful gambling or gaming.
- Alcoholic Beverages: When the student possesses or consumes alcoholic beverages or is legally intoxicated.
- Criminal Charges: When the student is formally charged with the commission of a crime.
- Misuse of Federal Funds: When the student uses federal funds for someone other than him/herself or uses funds in a way that does not support his/her own educational endeavors.
- Electronic Bullying: Cyberstalking or bullying defined as repetitive, hurtful, threatening, harassing, or verbally abusive language in an electronic form to include, but not limited to, college email or Canvas discussion boards or that occur in the context of a class or other college business.
- Impersonation or Assuming a False Identity: When a student impersonates or falsely identifies him/herself/themself.
- Sexual Misconduct: Sexual misconduct encompasses a range of behavior used to obtain sexual gratification against another’s will or at the expense of another. Sexual misconduct includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and sexual violence. Please see Virginia Western’s Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Policy (Policy 1-46) for additional information on sexual misconduct.
- Violations of Laws, Regulations, and Ordinances: Prohibited conduct includes violations of federal, state, or local laws, regulations, orders, or ordinances.
- Masking to Conceal Identity: Consistent with Virginia Code § 18.2-422, any individual who is present on College property or attending a College event who is wearing a mask, hood, or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, must present a valid college or government issued identification document containing both the person’s legal name and photograph when requested by a Campus Police Officer or otherwise establish the individual’s identity to the satisfaction of the Campus Police Officer.
- Encampment: Setting up a temporary or semi-permanent dwelling in an area where it is not allowed.
Policy Procedure and Sanctions
Any staff, administrative official, faculty member, or student may file a written complaint against any student for misconduct by using the Report of Student Misconduct Form.
Informal Process
If the nature of the allegations does not justify sanctions that would affect the student’s right to an education, informal resolution of the issue prior to beginning the formal process is encouraged. Informal resolution should start with conversations and may include an informal warning letter that continued actions will lead to a more formal allegation.
The Student Conduct Officer (or designee) will initiate an investigation into the charges. If the Student Conduct Officer believes that the alleged violation presents an immediate danger to the college community, the issue will be immediately referred to the Care/Threat Assessment Team. Please see the Care/Threat Assessment Process in the next section.
If not referred to the Care/Threat Assessment Team, the accused student will be contacted by the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) via student email to schedule a meeting time to discuss the alleged violation. The discussion will include the nature and sources of the charges and the student’s rights and responsibilities.
As part of the review, the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) will determine if the nature of the allegations justifies a sanction that affects the student’s right to an education. If so, the alleged violations will be referred to the Student Conduct Committee.
If the nature of the allegations does not justify sanctions that would affect the student’s right to an education, the Student Conduct Officer has the option to impose a disciplinary sanction, refer the matter to the Student Conduct Committee, or dismiss the charges as unfounded. The student will be notified of the decision in writing, via student email within ten business days of the initial meeting between theStudent Conduct Officer and the student.
Throughout the Investigation, the student may continue to attend classes, unless the Student Conduct Officer determines that the student’s continued presence poses a significant disruption to the educational rights of other students. In that case, the Student Conduct Officer may place an interim suspension on the student pending an investigation and resolution of the formal complaint. If immediate suspension is determined, the Student Conduct Officer will notify the student in writing of the specific facts and circumstances that make the immediate suspension necessary.
Disciplinary Sanctions
Administrative actions available to the Student Conduct Officer are as follows:
- Warning
- Restitution for damages
- Exclusion from college extracurricular activities
- Refer to Care/Threat Assessment Team
- Refer to Student Conduct Committee
- Interim suspension until resolution of formal complaint
Appeals Procedure
A decision of the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) may be appealed to the Vice President of Student Affairs*. The Appeal Form must be completed and be received by the Vice President’s office within five business days after the decision of the Student Conduct Officer. The Vice President of Student Affairs will review the written record and reach a determination. The decision of the Vice President of Student Affairs is final.
Student Conduct Committee Procedure
Charges that have not been dismissed or have not received a sanction from the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) will be referred to the Student Conduct Committee. The Student Conduct Committee procedure, outlined at the end of this section, will then be followed. If there are pending criminal charges associated with the misconduct charge, the Student Conduct Committee procedure may begin after the criminal charges are resolved.
Disciplinary Sanctions
Disciplinary sanctions available to the Student Conduct Committee are listed below:
- Warning: Notice, in writing, that continuation or repetition of conduct found wrongful, within a period of time stated in the warning, may cause more severe disciplinary action;
- Exclusion from college extracurricular activities;
- Suspension: Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities as set forth in the notice for a definite period of time not to exceed two years;
- Expulsion: Termination of student status for an indefinite period. The conditions of readmission, if any, shall be stated in the order of expulsion; or
- Return the student to former status.
All decisions of the Student Conduct Committee will be reviewed by the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) prior to submission of the final report of the Committee. If there is a need to revisit the sanctions imposed, the Committee Chair will ask for a voice vote by e-mail notification. The Student Conduct Officer (or designee) will contact the student in writing via Virginia Western email with the final decision of the Student Conduct Committee.
All incidents of academic misconduct are recorded and stored electronically Reports are kept indefinitely.
A warning received for student misconduct will not be included in the student’s educational record; however, all other disciplinary sanctions listed above will be a part of the student’s educational record.
Appeals Procedure (Conduct Committee)
A decision of the Student Conduct Committee on student misconduct may be appealed to the Vice President of Student Affairs*. The Vice President Appeal – Student Conduct Committee Form must be completed and be received by the Vice President’s office within five business days after notification of the Student Conduct Committee’s decision from the Student Conduct Officer (or designee). The Vice President will review the written record and reach a determination. The decision of the Vice President of Student Affairs is final.
Academic Integrity
Below is a list of violations of academic integrity that are subject to disciplinary action. This list is not all-inclusive.
- Cheating on an examination or quiz — either giving or receiving information
- Copying information from another person for graded assignments
- Using, accessing, or possessing unauthorized materials during tests
- Collaboration during examinations
- Buying, selling, providing or stealing papers, examinations, or other work to be submitted for a class
- Substituting for another person, or arranging such a substitution for yourself
- Plagiarism — the intentional or accidental presentation of another’s words or ideas as your own. This includes:
- Using the exact language of someone else without the use of quotation marks and without giving proper credit to the author. This includes memorizing exact wording but not giving credit to the author on a paper or exam.
- Presenting the sequence of ideas or arranging the material of someone else even though such is expressed in one’s own words, without giving appropriate acknowledgement.
- Submitting a document written by someone else but representing it as one’s own.
Ignorance of what constitutes plagiarism is not a defense for such a serious infraction.
- Collusion with another person or persons in submitting work for credit in class or lab, unless such collaboration is approved in advance by the instructor
- Falsifying documentation
- Multiple Submissions — It is a violation of academic honesty to submit substantial portions of the same work for credit more than once without the explicit consent of the instructor to whom the material is being submitted
- Unauthorized use of artificial intelligence (AI) or other automated writing tools to complete assignments unless otherwise stated by the course instructor.
- Having knowledge of an academic integrity violation and not reporting the violation to instructor or college personnel
Policy, Procedure, and Sanctions
Faculty members who have evidence of academic misconduct will:
- Investigate the matter.
- Review the facts of the matter and the proposed penalty with the appropriate academic dean.
- Faculty may then take one or more of the following actions (this information should be included on the class syllabus):
- Require the work to be accomplished again
- Award a grade of zero (0) for the test, paper or exercise
- Assign a grade of F for the course
- Send the student a copy of the Academic Misconduct Notification Letter (DOCX) by Virginia Western email or hand delivery within seven business days of becoming aware of the misconduct. The letter should include the charges and sanctions, notify the student that a Report of Academic Misconduct will be filed with the academic Dean, and inform the student of the appeal process.
- Complete a Report of Academic Misconduct Form. A copy of this report, a copy of the Academic Misconduct Notification Letter (DOCX), and all supporting documentation, should be electronically filed. Electronic copies and logs are kept indefinitely. This information becomes a part of the students’ educational record but is not included on academic transcripts.
First Incident of Academic Misconduct
If this is the first incident of academic misconduct, the instructor’s sanction will be the only penalty. A student may not withdraw from a class in which they received a grade of F for academic misconduct. A grade change will be initiated if a student withdraws before final grades are posted. The incident will be recorded on the log kept by the office of Vice President of Student Affairs and the hard copy will remain on file in the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs for five years. The report will be destroyed at the end of the five-year period. Electronic copies and log are housed and kept indefinitely. This information becomes a part of the students’ educational record but is not included on academic transcripts.
Exceptions include:
(1) In the case of a restricted enrollment program, if a signed agreement for entry into the program has specific clauses about the penalties for academic misconduct or the penalties are defined in the program’s student handbook, those will be followed in addition to or instead of the instructor’s sanction.
(2) In cases of falsified documentation, the case will be referred directly to the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) for a conduct committee hearing.
Appeals process for first incident of Academic Misconduct
If a student wishes to appeal a first incident of academic misconduct made by a faculty member, he/she must complete the Appeal of First Incident of Academic Misconduct Form. The form should be submitted to the office of Vice President of Academic and Workforce Solutions within five business days of being notified of the charge by the faculty member. Students may still attend class while making an appeal of academic misconduct to the student conduct committee. A Student Conduct Committee hearing will be held to hear the appeal.
Possible sanctions include:
- Support the penalty imposed by the faculty member
- Award a grade of zero (0) for the test, paper or exercise
- Assign a grade of F for the course
- Require the work to be accomplished again
- Return the student to former status.
Unless the committee returns the student to former status, the report will become a part of the student’s educational record at Virginia Western Community College.
All decisions of the Student Conduct Committee will be reviewed by the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) prior to notifying the student of the decision. If there is a need to revisit the sanctions imposed, the Committee Chair will ask for a voice vote by e-mail notification within five business days of the review of the Student Conduct Officer. The Student Conduct Officer (or designee) will contact the student in writing via Virginia Western email account with the decision of the Student Conduct Committee.
Second Incident of Academic Misconduct
In the case of a second incident of academic misconduct, defined by two reports being electronically filed. The Student Conduct Officer (or designee) will refer the case to the Student Conduct Committee to be heard. The committee may take one of the following actions.
- Support the penalty imposed by the faculty member
- Award a grade of zero (0) for the test, paper or exercise
- Assign a grade of F for the course
- Require the work to be accomplished again
- Suspension from the college
- Expulsion
- Return the student to former status
Unless the committee returns the student to former status, the report will become a part of the student’s educational record at Virginia Western Community College. A student may not withdraw from a class in which they received a grade of F for academic misconduct. A grade change will be initiated if a student withdraws before final grades are posted.
All decisions of the Student Conduct Committee will be reviewed by the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) prior to notifying the student of the decision. If there is a need to revisit the sanctions imposed, the Committee Chair will ask for a voice vote by e-mail notification within five business days of the review of the Student Conduct Officer. The Student Conduct Officer (or designee) will contact the student in writing via Virginia Western email account with the decision of the Student Conduct Committee.
Third Incident of Academic Misconduct
In the case of a third incident of academic misconduct, the case will be referred to the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) to be heard by the Student Conduct Committee. The decision of the committee will become part of the student’s educational record. The committee may take one of the following actions:
- Suspension
- Expulsion
- Return the student to former status
Unless the committee returns the student to former status, the report will become a part of the student’s educational record at Virginia Western Community College.
All decisions of the Student Conduct Committee will be reviewed by the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) prior to notifying the student of the decision. If there is a need to revisit the sanctions imposed, the Committee Chair will ask for a voice vote by e-mail notification within five business days of the review of the Student Conduct Officer. The Student Conduct Officer (or designee) will contact the student in writing via Virginia Western email account with the decision of the Student Conduct Committee.
In the case of a second or third offense, all appeals for previous offenses must be completed before hearings are held on those charges.
Three or More Incidents of Misconduct
If a student receives a total of three or more misconduct reports (academic, student, or a combination of both) then the student will automatically be referred to the Student Conduct committee. Disciplinary sanctions available to the Student Conduct Committee are listed below.
- Suspension: Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities as set forth in the notice for a definite period of time not to exceed two years;
- Expulsion: Termination of student status for an indefinite period. The conditions of readmission, if any, shall be stated in the order of expulsion.
Student Conduct Committee Procedure
The Student Conduct Committee will be convened for student misconduct and academic misconduct allegations on the recommendation of the Student Conduct Officer (or designee). The following procedure will be followed:
- Within five business days of the recommendation of a hearing by the Student Conduct Officer (or designee), the student will be sent written notification of the charges and student rights. The written notification will be sent to the student’s Virginia Western email account.
- From the date the notification is emailed to the student’s Virginia Western email address, the student will have five business days to respond to the charges.
- A date for the hearing will be scheduled and reported in writing to the student within ten business days of receipt of the student’s response or the end of the period given for the student to respond. The hearing date will be no more than thirty calendar days from the date the hearing notification is emailed. This period may be extended under reasonable circumstances at the discretion of the Student Conduct Officer (or designee).
- The hearing will be held whether or not the student responds and/or is present.
- If the student is unable to make the hearing date for good cause, he/she should contact the Chair of the Student Conduct committee within five business days of receiving the hearing notification to reschedule the hearing.
- The Student Conduct Committee will consist of a quorum of three or more members, including the chairperson, elected or appointed at the beginning of the academic year. Substitutions for members who are unavailable may be made by the Student Conduct Officer.
- The accused student has the right to be advised by counsel or an advisor who may come from within or outside the institution. Counsel may be present at the hearing and may advise the student during the hearing, but will not be allowed to address the committee.
- The hearing will begin no later than five minutes after the appointed time, with or without the student and his or her counsel present, as long as a quorum of college representatives is present.
- A written summary and digital recording will be kept of the proceedings. The digital recording will be maintained for one year. The written summary is stored indefinitely.
- The following format will be followed:
- The committee chair will state the purpose.
- All persons present will introduce themselves.
- The committee chair will present the charges.
- The committee chair will present possible sanctions.
- The committee chair will ask involved members of the college to speak.
- The student may ask questions of speakers after all have presented their case.
- The committee may ask questions of the speakers.
- The student will be asked to speak.
- The committee may ask questions of the student or college representatives.
- All parties except the Student Conduct Committee will be excused, so the committee can discuss the case in private.
- A vote will be taken of Student Conduct Committee members. The chair is a voting member. A decision will be made by a simple majority vote.
- Written recommendation will be made by the Student Conduct Committee to the Student Conduct Officer.
- Within five business days of receipt of the committee’s recommendation, the Student Conduct Officer (or designee) shall act on the recommendations and provide written notification via Virginia Western student email to the student and the Student Conduct Committee of the decision.
- Findings of the Student Conduct Committee for academic misconduct may be appealed to the Vice President of Academic and Workforce Solutions*. The The Vice President Appeal – Student Academic Conduct Committee Form must be completed and be received by the Vice President’s office within five business days after the student is notified of the committee’s decision. The Vice President will review the written record and reach a determination.
- The decision of the Vice President of Academic and Workforce Solutions is final. There are no further appeals in student misconduct or academic misconduct cases.
- The student will be allowed to continue with the class until the decision is finalized. However, if no decision is made by the end of the academic semester, an interim grade of “I” (Incomplete) will be issued. Once a student conduct committee decision is made and the student is suspended, dismissed, expelled or fails the course then the student is not allowed to continue to attend class unless appealing to the Vice President of Academic and Workforce Solutions.
Online and Off-Campus Students
Students who take courses online or at off-campus locations follow the same procedures outlined above. These students may submit all required documentation through their Virginia Western student email address. Meetings and hearings can be conducted through a phone call or using web-conferencing technology if the student is not available to come to campus.
Student Code of Conduct Addendum – August 2024
The College’s Student Code of Conduct is hereby amended to include the following provisions and any violation of such shall be grounds for discipline under the College’s Student Code of Conduct policy. All other provisions remain unchanged and applicable:
A. Disruptive Acts
- Disrupting or obstructing the normal learning, living, or work environments of other members of the College community or the functions or activities of the College (as well as activities conducted on the College’s property with its permission) is prohibited. Examples include: blocking entrances, corridors or exits; interfering with ongoing educational activities, cultural events, or recreational, extracurricular or athletic programs; unauthorized presence in a building after normal closing hours or after notice that the building is being closed; interfering with vehicular or pedestrian traffic; creating unsanitary conditions; and interfering with any other effort to protect the health and safety of members of the College community or larger public.
- No person may obstruct, disrupt, or attempt by physical force to cancel or discontinue speech by any speaker or the observation of speech by any person intending to see or hear a speaker.
B. Violations of Laws, Regulations, and Ordinances
- Prohibited conduct includes violations of federal, state, or local laws, regulations, orders, or ordinances.
- Students have a continuing duty to promptly report to the Office of Student Affairs any arrests for violations of federal, state, local, or international law, excluding minor traffic violations that do not result in injury to others. This duty applies regardless of where the arrest occurred (inside or outside the Commonwealth of Virginia) and regardless of whether the College is in session at the time of the arrest. An arrest includes the issuance of a written citation or summons regardless of whether the student is taken into custody by law enforcement. Charges related to driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs are not “minor traffic violations” and must be reported.
C. Masking to Conceal Identity
Consistent with Virginia Code § 18.2-422, any individual who is present on College property or attending a College event who is wearing a mask, hood, or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, must present a valid college or government issued identification document containing both the person’s legal name and photograph when requested by a Campus Police Officer or otherwise establish the individual’s identity to the satisfaction of the Campus Police Officer.
D. Encampments
- The construction or occupation of a Camping Tent is prohibited.
- “Camping Tent” means any collapsible tent or structure, typically having as its basic components a flexible material supported by a framework, designed, intended, or used as temporary shelter while camping or on recreational outdoor outings. Camping Tents may include tents known as “pup tents,” “dome tents,” “cabin tents,” “hiker tents,” and “backpacking tents.”
- A “Camping Tent” does not include a tent with all sides entirely open and where there is an unobstructed view into such tent from the outside at all angles. All other conduct provisions apply to the use of open tents.
- Only tents approved in advance pursuant to the V-5 Use of College Facilities Policy shall be permitted. No Camping Tents shall be permitted at any time. All tents of any type must be removed no later than 10 PM and the campus closes at 11 PM.
- Camping is prohibited on property owned, leased, or operated by the College, Virginia Community College System, or their foundations.
- “Camping” means the act of using any part of the property or facilities for living accommodation purposes, such as establishment of temporary or permanent living quarters, sleeping outdoors overnight or making preparations for overnight sleeping (including the laying down of bedding), storing personal belongings, using any tent, shelter, or similar structure regardless of size for sleeping; sleeping in, on, or under parked vehicles, or setting up temporary or permanent sleeping areas outdoors or in structures not designated for human occupancy.
- “Camping” does not include the use of College, VCCS, or their foundations’ property that has been wholly or partially designated as sleeping or relaxation areas; a tailgating activity in conjunction with a College, VCCS, or foundation event; or the use of temporary hammocks or lounge furniture for recreation or studying activities outdoors on College, VCCS, or foundation owned property during the hours of 7 AM – 10 PM.
- These prohibitions shall not apply to the College, the Virginia Community College System Office, or the College or System foundations or to Non-Camping Tents erected for their use.
- These prohibitions shall not apply to federal, state, or local governments or their agencies or to Non-Camping Tents erected for their use.
E. Applicability
- The Code of Conduct, including this Addendum, shall apply both to the conduct of individual students as well as student organizations.
- Each recognized student organization shall represent that its activities and the activities of its members will not violate federal, state, or local law; or the College’s Code of Conduct, including this Addendum.
- The Code of Conduct, including this Addendum, applies to all student activities within College, VCCS, or their foundations’ programs or activities wherever located. The Code of Conduct, including this Addendum, also applies to all student conduct occurring on the College campus and on any property owned, leased, or operated by the College, VCCS, or their foundations. The Code of Conduct, including this Addendum, additionally applies to any property used as a student residence and in regard to which students have expressly agreed to abide by or provided written consent to be governed by College policies. Violations of other College or VCCS policies may result in disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct.
* Under special circumstances, an appealing authority may recuse themselves from the appeal process. In such cases, the appeal will be directed to the alternate authority–either the Vice President of Student Services or the Vice President of Academic and Workforce Solutions–who will assume responsibility for overseeing and rendering a decision on the appeal.
Expressive Activity
- Letter Certification Sent to the Governor and Committee Chairs (PDF)
- VCCS Policy on Expressive Activity (PDF)
- VCCS Policy on Expressive Activity Frequently Asked Questions – Students (PDF)
- VCCS Policy on Expressive Activity Frequently Asked Questions – Administrators (PDF)
Student Conduct Forms
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